Monday, December 10, 2007

Working for the Weekend

Well, I'm somewhat recovered from a VERY BUSY weekend...
Not only did I lead worship on Sunday at Delaware Grace Bretheren Church in Delaware, OH, but--we did our pre-launch Christmas service for Journey Church, and it was AMAZING!!!!
We had about 140 energy filled people packed into a room with 100 or so chairs and standing room only. How awesome is that?? I partnered with a bunch of great people, two of whom are pictured here. (left to right--me, Dennis (Denny) George, Clay Burkle). Denny has been around the church ministry block a few times, and has now answered the call of God in his life to become a senior pastor, and is currently figuring out the process of becoming a church planter--the lead guy with Journey Church. Clay has also been in church ministry for a while, and is helping out in any way that he can (while maintaining a full time job). I'm along for the ride, leading worship, making friendships, and helping any way I can, while still on the job hunt.
We met at the Dublin Rec Center, a great facility with a bunch of very helpful employees. Beginning January 6th, we will be meeting there regularly at 4:30 on Sunday afternoons. It's pretty exciting to be a part of something like this with the team that God has raised up. I'm very thankful for God's work in bringing us together.

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