Friday, December 7, 2007


Prayer. We are called to be people of prayer. Paul says to "pray without ceasing" in 1st Thessalonians. I've not been doing a great job. Sure, I pray before meals most of the time, and nearly every night with Jen, and sometimes in between in snippets--but I don't think I'm doing so great in that department, still.
I've recently told a number of people that I would pray for them about some specific things--something I am very leery of doing, knowing how likely I am to forget, etc. I normally immediately pray for someone if I make that "promise", and then it's kind of "out of sight, out of mind."
So...I started a working document for myself, entitled "prayer reminders". I just keep it on my computer, and have the simple system where I can move things into the "answered prayers/thank you so much, God" column as they're answered. I just started it a couple of days ago, and it's helping me a bunch--even if I just fly through them quickly.... I'm SO convinced at this point that our attempts to spend an hour of eloquent prayer, talking non stop about a single "important" topic doesn't really impress God. An hour in prayer might be better spent listening to what God might be telling us, meditating on a small passage of scripture, asking God how you can be a solution to someone's need, etc.
It was fun yesterday morning, as I had my computer open, praying; Noah woke up and came downstairs. He asked me what I was doing...he and I ended up praying through the list together (and he added some things for himself--not Christmas presents, if that's what you're thinking). It was really a cool time with Noah, as he joined in.
Pray. a lot. (make me the first line on your new prayer document!!!).

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