Wednesday, November 14, 2007

White Blood Cells

So it was 4am, and my job was to "camp out" over night in the same room with Noah (my 6 year old son) and administer his pain meds after his surgery a couple days earlier. Once he was awake enough to take a dose, he decided to talk a bit....

"Dad, does water go into your bloodstream?"
"Well...eventually, some of it makes it's way there."
"Can I have a drink of water...? I want to give my white blood cells a party for helping my body be strong and fight those bad germs."
"How is a drink of water going to do that?"
"Well, it's a swimming party, and they're going to have a pool."
"Oh, of course...I should have thought of that...."
"Hey dad, can we turn on some music for them, so we can all dance?"
"Sure." (I had my iPod handy and some small computer speakers)
Our conversation went on for a was without a doubt the best white blood cell swimming and dance party I've ever been to...and an amazing night with my son.
When you choose to celebrate the little stuff, anything can be a party.


Krysty said...

Pretty cute, Ted! Noah's a smarty too!! While you were giving another 5 year old props for keeping a calendar, you could have been doting on your son yourself! Hope he's doing was good to see him running around on saturday night. He's looking healthy...that party must have helped!

Ted Williams said...

There's nothing that puts spring in the step like a good white blood cell party....

Thanks Krysty!