Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol TOP TEN

OK...we're back with the top 10 now--the group that will get to know one another REALLY well, on tour around the country this summer.
Theme: the year they were born--big range of years, for sure.

Ramiele Malubay--born in 1987 (I feel old)-- "Alone"--great song (she'll probably ruin it). Out of tune out of the gates--pretty sharp. Now flat. Now sharp again. Out of control the whole song, and on the edge of utter disaster in every way musically. While she never completely fell apart, she definitely didn't pull it off. I was right about the "she'll probably ruin it" thing...consider it ruined. Not very good.
Jason Castro--born in 1987--"Fragile"--my favorite song ever sung on American Idol probably...let's see what he does with it. Interesting flamenco sounding twist to it...something I've never heard Sting do with it, but he totally would, I'm sure. I liked it. I would like to have heard the percussion from the band more--maybe some percussionists out on the stage or something, to make it appear more intimate a performance...great performance, though.
Syesha Mercado--born in 1987--"If I Were Your Woman"--I can't believe she did the wacked out baby cry thing again...how annoying. She is much more of a "classic" sounding perfomer. She really does have a great voice, for sure...in 5 years or so, she could be an absolutely amazing diva vocalist. Really good tonight. Her absolute best vocal so far, in my estimation. Well done.
Chikezie--born in 1985--"If Only for One Night"--seems like a great guy... OK--bad song choice, in my opinion.... He didn't do too bad with it though, I guess. Nothing horrible about it, but nothing stand-out amazing either. Average for me.
Brooke White--born in 1983--"Every Breath You Take"--a "Police" song (FYI, Sting/Police are among my favorite from that era)--OOPS! She started in the wrong key vocally, trying to do something cool, by pulling a pitch out of the air. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Probably a bad song choice, for her, actually. I don't know...not my favorite, but better than last week. Not bad. Does she have on a lot of make-up or something...?
Michael Johns--born in 1978 (still younger than me)--"We Will Rock You" and "We are the Champions"--Pretty cool opening acapela opening thing, then into a big ending with the next tune. Great song choices. Maybe should have just stuck with one of the two, but still great choices. He did a great job.
Carly Smithson--born in 1983--"Total Eclipse of the Heart"--great song. They could have gotten better bgv's on that tune, for sure (which maybe threw her off a bit). Her usual great job, though. The ending was not at all necessary, and a little showy for no reason at all. Not very musical there. Other than that, solid job.
David Archuleta--born in 1990 (I was 15)--"You're the Voice"--weak start, in my opinion. Kinda weird song choice...But he came into his own for sure. I like the passion that he pours into performances. Maybe the wrong key, as it really stretched him in the middle.... Not bad, but not his best. He's safe as ever, though.
Kristy Lee Cook--born in 1984--"God Bless the USA"--(sorry to say this) I'm so sick of that song (maybe because I've sung it 40,000 times), but it's probably a good song choice for her. The arrangement is EXACTLY the same as the original I think, outside of the key change. She has no originality in her. Some pitch problems, for sure. She's just not good enough, but not as horrific as some of her past performances.
David Cook--born in 1982--"Billy Jean"--I've never even considered that song to be sung anything like that (kind of a waltz). I didn't like it quite as much as the crowd seemed to, but it was certainly really good, and the big note in the chorus was amazing. Great reverb on his vocal from the tech crew. He's a very original performer (probably the most original performer in the lot), and he did a great job tonight. Jennifer hit rewind to hear it again (she really liked it). He's a MAJOR competitor.

Going home tomorrow night will be Ramiele Malubay (and Chikezie may have a tough go tomorrow night).


RLHanks said...

Ramiel - gone
Jason - okay, agree that it needed something. I knew, however, that you would love the Sting cover.
Syesha - I thought it was very strong
Chikezie - I like it more than you did
Brooke - just ok, I think her hair was different, don't know about the makeup. I didn't think you would like this, being such a Sting fan.
Michael - just ok, should have just done "We are the champions"
Carly - bvg's??? old habits die hard my friend. BGV's on the other hand WERE weak, and I totally agree the ending was unnecessary. She's my #2, but this was not her best.
David A. - agreed, weird song. solid, but also not his best. I've still got him #1, but...
Christy - whatever, Jonathan digs her so that's about it. She's got maybe 2 weeks left.
David C. - This and his "Eleanor Rigby" are my 2 favorites of the year. I thought tonight was excellent. If that was his arrangement, he's a talented boy. I expected you to give him high marks. I've had him as my "sleeper" even though I usually, as you know, don't got for the rockers.
It was fun tonight. We'd watch a performance and then pause it while Jonathan read your post for that contestant.

Ted Williams said...

Thanks for the feedback, Rick. Keep it coming. I fixed the bvg's thing on Carly--that's hilarious. Big Valley Grace vs. back ground vocals...whatever.
In a review of David Cook's thing, Ryan said that it was someone else's arrangement. Still great.

RLHanks said...

Well, good call on the Chickezie comment. How did Ramiele not, at least, end up on the bottom 3??? People should have to pass a test before they can vote on this show and I'd like you to create that test. (since I have that power).