Sunday, March 16, 2008


Last Sunday, my good friend, Clay Burkle, got an opportunity to teach at Journey (come, join us for Easter next week!) Ok, back to the story.... While addressing Journey, Clay said something that left quite an impact on my week:
"If your view of anything is more vivid than your view of Jesus, then you need new eyes."

"Anything"--Easily defined. It means anything. It could be a problem. It could be money (that could the problem--ha!). It could be your own sin. It could be someone else's sin. It could be someone's approval. It could be work. It could be the pursuit of ______(insert appropriate word here). It could be...well...anything.

It was my new guitar. This week, "anything" was my new guitar/rig. I've been going through downsizing recently (truck being the biggest example). In the process, I decided to get an electric guitar, and I'm going to sell one of my acoustics (net profit and much more versitility as a musician). I'm kind of known for being the guy who can find the best deal on nearly anything (see above definition). In order to do that, I research like a mad man--reading reviews, checking prices everywhere, talking to people about it, etc.

I realized that there was a problem when I laid my head down on my pillow the other night, and all I could think about was guitar stuff--all night (until I got up at 4am and went downstairs to be convicted for the next few hours). I had let that guitar rule me that day--my thoughts, my time, my decisions, etc. It was all about the mighty guitar. I even skipped my morning prayer time that day--not necessarily because of the guitar (it's really not even that great of a guitar), but because of the distraction of not being able to focus on that which is to be the center. It all got out of balance. It's so easy to do (especially in our culture, it seems).

Scripture teaches us to confess to one another. I guess the blogosphere counts. Maybe even extra. Maybe I'll get a new guitar to reward myself for stepping into the light so quickly on this one. I wonder what I'll get...maybe a Fender Mustang. I need to go do some research.
And the cycle starts again....


The night where my mind was focused on guitar a song came across my mind from the group Leeleand's amazing new CD (click on the Leeland link, then watch the 2nd "Leeland TV" video, called "Cowboy Bob"--You'll laugh like crazy)

The song that came to mind:

"Enter This Temple"

We are saved in a world that’s lost
All our hope rests in Your Cross
God of strength, our weakness shows
We need You. We need You, Lord.

Father, enter this temple
Come touch Your people
We need to be where You are
And children living as their Father
Washed in pure water
We need to be like You are

We are searching for Your presence
We are knocking on Your door
Let Your wings cover us
with promise for communion, for communion....


mconners said...

Ah yes.

Guitar wickedness/lust. A regular struggle w/me. So many guitars, so little time.

One thing you left out: what kind of new guitar did you get?

Ted Williams said...

Hey Mike,

I got a satin finish Mexican strat (a couple of years old, but in mint condition). I have a GT 8 Boss processor, and a vox amp. An amazing set up, really, for a non-electric guitar player, such as myself. When are you going to come over and play it for me?
