Thursday, June 5, 2008

Love One Another

I got a letter last week. It was from a lady in California, who I knew from when I was in ministry there at Big Valley Grace Church. Her name is Joyce.
I had sent Joyce a letter and pictures of our kids, etc. a few weeks back--something I'd intended to do for quite some time, actually (like a year, actually), but the day that I finally did it, I knew that I needed to do it that day, for some reason. Her letter back explained to me why.
She was lonely. She was afraid. She needed God to let her know that He cared about her the day she got the letter. He came through, yet again (and always does).
See, Joyce had lost her husband, Norman, exactly one year ago to the day that she got the letter from me (I hadn't put that together at all). In fact, the entire month of May was just a scary time for her. I'm SO THANKFUL that I listened that day, and chose to obey the leading of the Spirit of God. I'm convinced that I miss it SO often....
Something really encouraging for me, while reading her 7 page, handwritten letter (wow--at least this retired school teacher has excellent penmanship!) was the fact that she's connected to a home church type setting, filled with people who love her and care about her, checking in with her on a regular basis. It's interesting how as we look back, we often see that God is placing people in our paths who will help us through what He knows we're about to encounter. The journey through the experiences together strengthen our love for one another, and ultimately builds our faith in God and His plan for our lives. Home churches are a great place for those things to happen. I'm thankful for mine. Maybe you should join us....

1 comment:

Infarrantly Creative said...

That is that encouraging stuff.