Monday, May 5, 2008

Time For a Change

What on earth just happened to my blog???
Well, my good friend Beckie Farrant is in town visiting us (with her son, Isaac). They left daddy, Tim, back in Indiana for this trip. I got home from a busy day, and Beckie said (within minutes), "Hey Ted, let's do something new with your blog--it's so boring." (or something like that) Nothing can motivate me like calling something I'm doing boring, so we were off.
A little background: Tim, Beckie, Jennifer and I were all at Liberty University at the same time. I was actually a part of the team that assisted Beckie in making the decision to head for Liberty out of high school in Chicago. Not long after my Liberty years, they came out to join us at Big Valley Grace Community Church in Modesto, CA. Beckie landed there as my assistant, and Tim was one of the youth pastors. We've been through much together. (Including the day that we nearly killed eachother--literally--while our competitive natures took over during a board game...our spouses grounded us from "games" for a while after that one--ugggh.).
For quite a while now, Beckie has exercised her creative side non-stop, in as many ways as a stay-at-home mom possibly could, I think. Combine that with learning some html stuff...we've got a monster on our hands, here.
Check her out over at infarrantly creative. Learn a lot.

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