Friday, July 25, 2008


WOW. I’ve been at the Xenos Summer Institute for the last 3 days with the likes of Mark Driscol, D.A. Carson, Mark Mittelberg, Dennis McCallum, Gary DeLashmutt, etc. Tonight is the last session, and I am utterly exhausted, but this has been really good for me.
Some big things I’ve taken away at this point:
-I am both very convicted and very affirmed.
-as a whole, the church in our country is (generally) in a very scary state of both rapid decline and a turn away from the truth of the gospel.
-we cannot pretend to live in ignorance of the changes taking place, and must seek God with a whole heart, living in a place of humility and repentance
-people need Jesus. The gospel IS relevant. Jesus IS relevant.
-I need to be led by the Spirit of God, with a heart of compassion for the thousands of people all around me who need the love of Jesus.
-I need to do a better job of making disciples.
-The gospel must remain central (I recently heard it said that “the gospel is both the milk and the meat”.) to all we do—both in us personally, as well as the message that we take to the world around us.
-I'm very thankful for my local faith community, where I have freedom to ask a lot of questions as we continue on our journey. God is leading us. It is exciting.
-I really need a nap.


The Quinonez Family said...

Hey Ted,
I hope you get rest after your tiring but awesome time. I just have to say that I too am seeing a very dangerous turn from the truths of God and it is heart breaking! Stay encouraged my brother and keep on staying committed to the Lord and PRAY! I was listening to an old copy of "Mary Did You Know" (that you were singing) and I felt like crying! I miss serving alongside you and leading God's people into worship with you.
Peace and blessings to you and your family!

Ted Williams said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Annie. We miss you all a bunch too! Hope all is well with you all....